The Raw Beauty Rings are incredible!!! After buying three (two for my sisters and one for myself) this past Christmas, we’ve all been wearing them since. Mine grounds me and inspires me. It feels so special to know that wherever we each are physically, we are connected through these potent pieces crafted with so much love and care. The raw serpentine in my ring reminds me to be unapologetically myself, embracing all the “rougher edges” that can be erased through more polished shinier stones. Running my finger along the green stone inspires me to show up in this world as me rather than who others want me to be or who I think they want me to be. We are so beautiful as is!!! Raw beauty is so radiant!! Thank you Spela for sharing your wonderful art with us!!! If you are on the fence about getting any Solspel pieces, this is your sign to go for it! You won’t regret it and who knows.. it could just change your life like it has helped mine 🙂 💜 our raw beauty is to be embraced and celebrated! These rings are a perfect way to remember such simple yet profound elements of life.