Heart Chakra – The Magnetism of Your Soul

In our energy body, the Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is a luminous center of compassion, love, and harmony.

It is the biggest and the most important chakra of our body since it connects the lower three chakras with the upper three chakras, it connects the heart of the Earth with the Heart of the Sky.

Positioned in the center of the chest, this powerful energy vortex is not merely an organ that pumps blood, but the seat of our emotions and connections.

In this blog post, you can learn more about your Heart Chakra, its importance and its healing,  the subtle signs of imbalance, and discover the transformative techniques that can help you radiate love, acceptance, and inner peace.

About your Heart Chakra

Imagine an emerald green, healing light within your chest – this is the Heart Chakra, your center of love and compassion, both for others and for yourself.

It embodies the unconditional love that transcends judgment and fear, grief and sadness or heartbreak.

It is your core, your center, the home of our soul. It encourages us to be open, to not hold grudges, or to live a life based on past actions and experiences.

Heart Chakra also regulates and balances your giving and receiving abilities. Only when these two are in balance, do you experience true abundance. We feel deserving to receive the gifts of life and you feel rich and bountiful to share our talents and abundance with the rest of the world.

At its balanced state, the Heart Chakra encourages a profound sense of self-love, allowing you to give and receive love freely.

It is the essence of kindness, acceptance, and forgiveness, both towards others and towards oneself.


When this chakra is harmonious, you embrace the world with an open heart, fostering deep and meaningful relationships.

Location and Properties

The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata in Sanskrit, is located at the center of the chest, just above the heart. It is in the region of the sternum, in the middle of the breastbone. This chakra is the fourth primary chakra in the body’s energetic system, following the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras.

The Heart Chakra is associated with the color green and the element of air. 

“Reflect on the things that you are ready to release and even though it might be a painful process to dig deep into your pain, rest assured that freedom waits on the other side of your process.”

Signs of Imbalance of the Heart Chakra

When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced, subtle yet impactful signs emerge. A closed Heart Chakra can lead to feelings of bitterness, fear of intimacy, and an inability to forgive.

When your heart is closed or has the tendency to hold back, you don’t allow the divine unconditional love to pure through you, so it’s harder to experience joy, bliss and the sacred union of yin and yang energies on a high level of consciousness.

A closed Heart Chakra can also mean that we hold on to past experience, to past trauma, a heartbreak, or that we hold a lot of sadness and grief. 

Physically, respiratory and circulatory issues might manifest, and emotionally, there can be a sense of isolation, loneliness, or difficulty in empathizing with others.


Balancing the Heart Chakra

Develop a daily ritual committed to your HeartChakra (or in general your well-being, but if you find yourself struggling in the ways described above, then I strongly recommend you to focus on your HEART CHAKRA)!

Here are some tools and techniques that you can use and then develop your own practice that suits you best.

Self-Reflection and Acceptance

is an important first step because it helps you identify your current state and try to send love, kindness, and compassion to yourself first. Ironically, the above-mentioned traits are signs of an open-heart chakra.  Accept where you are in this moment and remember that you are not this person, you are just going through this experience. Reflect on who you really are and write down some of your amazing gifts, and then remember, that this period will also pass. Reflect on the things that you are ready to release and even though it might be a painful process to dig deep into your pain, rest assured that freedom waits on the other side of your process.

Cultivate Self-Love and Forgiveness

Practice self-compassion and forgive yourself for past mistakes. Forgiveness is the key to healing the heart chakra.

Embrace your flaws and imperfections, recognizing that they are part of your unique beauty.

Through meditation and affirmations, reinforce the notion that you are worthy of love and acceptance just as you are.

Connect with Nature

Spend time in nature, allowing its healing energy to nourish your heart. Walk barefoot on the grass, sit under a tree, or immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of natural landscapes. Nature has a profound way of harmonizing the heart’s energies.

Practice Heart-Opening Yoga Asanas

Incorporate heart-opening yoga poses like Camel Pose (Ustrasana) and Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) into your routine. These poses expand the chest and stimulate the Heart Chakra, promoting emotional release and healing. Additionally, we can also work together with establishing a Heart Chakra Yoga routine for your current needs.

Surround yourself with healing vibrations, such as green crystals

Harness the power of crystals like emerald, peridot or jade. These gemstones resonate with the Heart Chakra, aiding in its balance and amplifying your self-assurance.

At Solspel, we created the Heart Chakra Medallion, which will aid you in soo many steps!

How can the Heart Chakra Medallion help my healing?

I am not a kinda person who will tell you “Wear my jewelry and all your problems will disappear”, no 😉

But I have been through a lot of different experiences learning the power of our mind, the power of the intention, and the power of our body’s natural intelligence in healing itself.

So when I say that this Jewelry was created to balance your chakras, I really mean it. Here’s some reasons why!

  1. In order to change something, you need to commit and set a true intention from the heart. These medallions are valued at 222 EUR, which is a symbolical way of you committing to your journey. When you invest this amount into yourself, you for sure mean it! 
  2. The healing vibration of the medallion’s design and the crystal is amplified for healing your Heart Chakra. Wearing this every day will affect the vibrations of your subtle body, without you knowing it. So many women tell me about the profound change they feel in their energy after they start to wear Solspel jewelry!
  3. The affirmation on the backside can become your morning ritual. For example, take 5 minutes after waking up, light up the candle, and start sending healing vibrations into your Heart chakra. Repeat the affirmation “I choose to live in love, as below, so above” or any other affirmation that resonates more. Even after some days, you can already experience the healing powers of speaking the right words to yourself!
& many more, but I’ll let you discover it! 

Wanna work with me on a deeper level and cleanse your Heart Chakra with the power of ancient Kriya Yoga science?

Book a session with me. Let’s hop on a FREE discovery call to check in with your needs and plan how I can help you heal and step fully into your light! 

Solspel Crystal Jewelry

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