Rawnd The World

Raw crystals of the world: a travel-inspired jewelry collection Ever since I was a little girl, I loved making jewelry for my family, crafting little treasures from clay, pearls, and paper, letting my creativity flow freely. However, as I grew older and entered high school, academic pressures pushed my creative pursuits aside. Yet, deep inside, […]
The new Raw Beauty collection

Raw crystal rings that celebrate our natural beauty In May 2021, 5 months after starting with Solspel Raw Jewelry brand, I stared to flirt with the idea of making a whole collection of Raw crystal jewelry. “There’s not many out there”, I thought, “creators mostly work with polished and very altered stones”, but I really […]
Crown Chakra – Embody the Light

Above the crown of our head, lies the Crown Chakra, known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit. Like a radiant lotus atop our heads, this ethereal energy center is our connection to the divine, the source of universal consciousness, and the seat of enlightenment. Symbolized by the color violet or pure white, the Crown Chakra transcends the limitations […]
Third Eye Chakra – Start Listening to Your Intuition

Nestled between your eyebrows, the Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna Chakra in Sanskrit, is a potent energy center that serves as the gateway to intuition, perception beyond the physical realm, and to your inner wisdom. Often depicted as an indigo or deep purple lotus flower, this chakra invites you to explore the Universal Truths of […]
Throat Chakra – your Truthful Self-Expression

In the column of our body’s energy centers, the Throat Chakra plays the role of truthful self-expression expression and authenticity. Situated at the base of the throat, this chakra, known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the gateway to our voice, both literally and energetically (our voice – our confidence). It governs communication, creativity, and self-expression. […]
Heart Chakra – The Magnetism of Your Soul

In our energy body, the Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is a luminous center of compassion, love, and harmony. It is the biggest and the most important chakra of our body since it connects the lower three chakras with the upper three chakras, it connects the heart of the Earth with the Heart of the Sky. […]
Solar Plexus Chakra – Your Inner Sunshine

In our energetic anatomy, Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Manipura, shines like the sun. It is our inner light that never goes off, but it is our job to keep that fire ignited. The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen, just below the ribcage. It’s the chakra of personal power, confidence, […]
5 Ways to Ground and Connect with Mother Earth

Through years of practicing different activities for a healthy body, mind, and spirit, I have been going on many rollercoaster rides, because I didn’t know one thing. And that is, to be grounded in my body. To be in connection with my temple, my flesh, my limbs, my physical instrument. Because you can only fly as high […]
Sacral Chakra – Our power to birth life to ideas, dreams, and goals

My story about creativity and sexuality If you can understand how I experienced challenges in my creativity and in my journey of sexuality and if you can learn from my example – how to liberate yourself in case you’re facing similar challenges, then everything becomes much easier in life. Right? We are here to help […]
Root Chakra – Our first connection with the Mother Earth

The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra, is the first of the seven chakras in the human body in the Sushumna Nadi. Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra represents our foundation, grounding, and sense of stability. It is our connection to Mother Earth, to the ground, and to our […]