My story about creativity and sexuality
If you can understand how I experienced challenges in my creativity and in my journey of sexuality and if you can learn from my example – how to liberate yourself in case you’re facing similar challenges, then everything becomes much easier in life. Right? We are here to help each other.
Since I was a little girl, I haven’t really been too connected to my feminine energy. I felt like a girl of course, but I didn’t feel cute. I didn’t feel attractive. My boobies weren’t growing. Even the first sexual experience I had with the guy was really not good and in my teenage years, I was experiencing a lot of guilt, and a lot of shame connected to who I was as a woman, as a person and I didn’t want to have anything to do with my sexuality.
And I understood later how sexuality and creativity are so connected. Because when I was a kid, I used to be creative all the time. I was making jewelry then already, I was drawing, I was painting and dancing, but then as soon as I had to enter a normal form of education, I completely lost touch with my creativity.
I stopped doing everything that I did with my hands before all my art projects were just completely terminated. By focusing on studying, I was only trying to learn things by heart. I was trying to memorize things I didn’t really care about. Because the societal pressure was telling me something I wanted to get good grades. I wanted to be the best in class.
I completely lost connection to creativity as well. While not feeling connected to my body, to my sexual organs, to my feminine energy.

But of course, I believe everything is already written in the stars and the way we approach life, we are guided in the direction that we have to go. I graduated with my business degree but then after that, I kind of felt like there is more out there for me than just going to work and doing something that is nice for me, but it’s not really my passion, because deep down I always knew that my passions are much more erratic, that they are in the creative world and that I’m supposed to be an artist, to be discovering the inner and outer beauty of life and people.
And so as I started to travel, I started to open up more to yoga. At first, I even thought yoga was funny and I was laughing at a girl who was doing yoga at 6 am in the morning. Now I am that girl because
things started to open. I started to do more yoga. I started to open up to energy work, I started to open up to believe that there is more than just the eyes can see. I had no other choice but to change.
Actually, a big transformation happened – from a shy girl that was fearful of expressing who she was and expressing her truth, I started allowing myself to shine, and be empowered and confident. I became confident in my own skin for the first time in my life. I started to love my body for what it is – my legs, my small boobs, my womb, my sexual organs. I started to enjoy touch. And I started to enjoy touching myself too. I started to experience my first orgasms and also I started to be more creative – it’s when jewelry found me. I started to enjoy connecting crystals with gemstones. And just like that, I felt like I was myself again. By making jewelry, being confident in my expression, and enjoying the sexual connection with myself and with a partner.
I started to embody the courage to be brave in doing whatever I need to do to feel happy. I started to practice different versions of yoga such as Himalayan Kriya Yoga, which also allows me to release shame and guilt from my body because the issues are stored in the tissues.
All these self-limiting beliefs, all the memories that force us to believe that we’re less than we actually are, they’re still stored in our body so it’s important that we let go of them physically and energetically. Of course, the journey never ends. I am still working on it. I’m still working on feeling confident and feeling healthy in my body. I can observe such a big change since when I started and I guess it’s a lifelong process because we don’t only carry our trauma we also carry the trauma of the past seven generations.
Today, in this moment, we have the opportunity to break some cycles, some negative patterns, because we are fortunate enough to be informed and we have the time to work on ourselves. This way, we’ll heal our entire ancestry, and we’ll also heal those who will come after us.
The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra it’s all about creativity and sexuality and confident expression. It is about loving yourself for who you are, loving your body, and feeling comfortable and confident in your skin. It is where your passions are created. Your lust for life.
The Sacral Chakra is also connected to reproduction, to creation. It is where we create a life, where we develop a human, a new human organism in nine months. And if we can birth a new human life, we can definitely birth any ideas that we come up with.
So allow yourself to create and to birth your wildest dreams, ideas, visions, and projects. If you don’t feel confident or if you don’t feel like you are enough, it all comes from a blockage in the Sacral chakra and it can manifest in low libido, such as no wish sexual pleasure.
It’s very important that we are working on keeping this part of our body open because the energy needs to flow and if it’s blocked in the center of creation, then it’s very hard to actually manifest the idea that we receive in our vision.
When the Sacral chakra is balanced, we are flowing like water, since the element of the Sacral Chakra is water. Therefore, it’s very connected to the flow and to constant change. So if you feel stuck, that means that probably you are experiencing some blockages in the Swadisthana. When you feel like everything in life is flowing so beautifully, then probably your Sacral chakra is balanced. You are feeling confident, excited, and inspired to involve in your creative expression, to allow art to speak through you.
You also have this sexual lust for enjoying – pleasure just for the celebration of the beauty, of your existence.
In order to balance your Sacral chakra, I recommend you wear a lot of orange and really devote time to having a beautiful ceremony with yourself – have rituals of touching your skin gently. Allow yourself to caress every single part of your body and feel embodied. Return to your body and love your body. Tell your body how much you love it and how grateful you are for it that it can carry you around and that it can allow you to experience this beautiful world.
The Sacral Chakra Medallion – NO.2 | PASSIONATE

Another thing you can do is wear crystals for the Sacral chakra that empower you. In the new collection The Serpent Goddess there is a special pendant for the Sacral chakra named “Passioante” and it’s all about releasing shame and guilt. The pendant goes with affirmation saying “I release all shame and guilt, with confidence I am rebuilt,”
so that you may be courageous to live all of your wildest dreams, allow them to be creatively expressed through you, and let no shame, no guilt block you or stop you. Just enjoy who you are, fully loving yourself, your body, and your uniqueness – because you already are perfect the way you are. If you weren’t supposed to be just as you are, then you wouldn’t come to this Earth. Divine knows, divinity makes no mistakes.